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INTRO | ASL Training




Leaders and managers in the public service are required to improve programme delivery and service levels with fewer resources, an aging workforce, a focus on accountability and an increasingly skilled and mobile staff. In this environment, effective management of human resources is one of the few levers that managers have at their disposal to accomplish their organizations strategic objectives. It is, however, a lever which is complicated and challenging – especially in the context of the Singapore public service.

The objective of the course is to enhance the delegates’ understanding of the strategic aspects of managing human resources in a public service environment which is constantly changing. The approach that will be used will attempt to meld the theoretical with the practical. The course will cover various human resource management issues as well as strategies that are used in both the public and private sector.






At the end of the workshop, participants is expected to :

  1. Describe the contemporary issues in human resource management in the Public Service.
  2. Demonstrate discipline and best grievance procedures in the work place Identify training needs of staff.
  3. Analyse the recruitment policy of government and proffer the best options.
  4. Manage performance system effectively.



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