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Employing people with the “Right Fit” is a crucial factor in the success of any business and making a bad recruitment decision can prove costly and time-consuming. Therefore, line managers have varying degrees of involvement in HR related activities and it is critical that they understand, and operate within best practice and comply with legislation. HR for Non HR is a two-day program taking the line manager or anyone related through the complete employee lifecycle from pre-recruitment to post-termination as well as covering key employment legislation affecting the employer -employee relationship.

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Adult Learning approach through:

  • Lectures
  • Group discussions
  • Role-plays
  • Case studies


After completing the HR for Non HR program, you will be able to:

  1. Recognize the benefits of effective recruitment, selection and induction processes in the appointment and retention of the “ideal employee”.
  2. Identify how HR contribute to organizational success and goals
  3. Identify the importance of employee engagement and managing the ‘psychological contract’
  4. Identify poor performance at an early stage and take immediate action to minimize long term difficulties.
  5. Identify means of establishing employee performance standards and subsequently monitor and review, enhance that performance.

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Those who need to know and understand the fundamentals of human resource management for use in their day-to-day roles, such as:

  1. Director & CEO
  2. Senior Managers
  3. Manager & HOD
  4. New Manager & Assistant Manager
  5. Executive & Supervisor

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