Do you know that we have a FREE Private E-learning Portal
worth Rm 2,000 ++ for you can be part of ?
Value Added

FREE Training Videos
We have hundreds of video just for you in various topic, niche and focus to be study and refresh your knowledge

DELICIOUS Slides & Modules
We’ll give you a number of quality slides and module from a relevant topic benefiting both you and your organization.

FREE Premium E-books
It could be a topic related to your work or as for your free reading.
Note that these are a premium e-book where it has help so many company to success

Nothing much but a PURE information and data worth a thousand words!

CONTINUOUS Contact with Trainer
Feeling like having a question mark above your head even after attending training?
Here we provide you a platform where you can directly access our professional trainer.

So what is this page all about?
It is actually our strategy partner area where you come in to continue revising and reinforcing what you have learned from the training before. Note to yourself, the knowledge we have in here is growing time to time and it would not stop!
This is an exclusive portal and ONLY available for our strategy partner. It is not open for public viewing and yes you need a password that will only be given by our support team to access it.
Have you ever attended a training program before? If yes, do you remember 100% on what you’ve gain from the training? The question that we often asked is why didn’t my participants learn that important concept we went over and over and over and over in class?
Base on the research we made, do you know that by just attending any training, after one or two day, the retention of the knowledge that we have learned will only last around 30%?
“If people are exposed to an idea one time in 30 days, they will retain less than 10%”
Hermann Ebbinghaus, Psychologist, 1880
To support this fact, Ebbinghaus studied the memorisation of nonsense syllables, such as “WID” and “ZOF” by repeatedly testing himself after various time periods and recording the results.
He plotted these results on a graph creating what is now known as the “FORGETTING curve”. A graph that hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time.

How can ASL FOR MEMBERS help you?
So how we going to face this challenge and solve it? We came up with an idea whereby we create and develop a private e-learning portal serve as an EXCLUSIVE ARCHIVE to store all of the valuable knowledge that came from the training session. We call it, ASL FOR MEMBERS.
This way, you can come in to continue revising and reinforcing what you have learned from the training before and preserve the level of retention supported by all the value added that ASL FOR MEMBER have for you.
What we have to say
We actually put a lot of effort into making this thing happen. Our mission is only 1 thing, which is to help you growing and focus on lifelong learning!
So why you should WASTE your investment on attending the same training over and over again just to capture the same thing, while we can give you the knowledge you need by JUST A CLICK AWAY!
Don’t miss this opportunity! Be among of the many people who had walked the same journey we do, a journey to success and see how your way of learning and team development CHANGE FOREVER!
Here We Get You a Sample Video from ASL for Members.
How to get the access? SIMPLE
- By attending and be a part of our training program.
- By investing Rm 2000 for a full access.