An excellent way to prepare and grow is to learn what it takes to make a good leader.


According to Natalie Bacon, here are the 12 characteristics of good leaders.

  • A good leader has integrity.

A leader must know more and know better than his team members. Integrity is knowing what is right, what is wise and what is best. If you want to get good results, make sure you have integrity and success will eventually  follow through.

  • A good leader practices transparency.

Transparency means the power distance between the leader and the team. A good leader must always be open to anything so they communicate effectively.

  • A good leader is honest.

As the saying goes “honesty is the best policy” and it is true. In order to be trustworthy, you must be always be honest to gain your team member’s trust and respect.

  • A good leader takes initiative.

A good leader must know when to take actions and they must be the first one to do it. Never let anyone take the responsibility of your role as a leader. The way to have power is to take it.

  • A good leader is accountable.

Like any leader, of course you will make  many  mistakes along the way, but to be a great leader you must own up to your mistakes and admit when you’re wrong. Try to not make any excuses or blame others. Acceptance and improvement, that is the key to success.

  • A good leader is a visionary.

Can you imagine if Ikea did not give proper manuals or instructions to their customers. Just like any proper organization, in order to lead others you need to have a bigger vision to properly guide you and your team.

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  • A good leader is organized and intentional.

Once you have a good vision of where the team needs to be, make plans and start organizing! Staying on track and planning ahead is vital for you and your team in order to achieve your target.

  • A good leader is reliable.

Being reliable is not just about giving promises, you need to fulfill it. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk! Always keep your commitments and be on time. Someone who does everything that they say they’re going to do are the kind of person that people will rely on.





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  • A good leader sets a good example.

Actions speak louder than words. People will not always believe everything that you say, but they’ll always acknowledge the things that you do. Your team members are your own reflections.

  • A good leader listens.

Speaking makes no use if nobody is listening. Listen to your team members, even their thoughts and opinion must be taken into account. There’s so much that you can gain by just listening.

  • A good leader is an abundance thinker.

Always be positive and set a good tone in front of your colleagues. Try to avoid gossiping (even though it’s hard) and draw negative attention to yourself. You attract the energy that you give off so spread only good vibes.

  • A good leader gives praise.

No good achievements by your team member should left unnoticeable. Praise them when they do something good because they deserve it. Keep them motivated to do their job.


A good leader also writes a lot. Start build your credibility by writing

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