Liner Semiconductor
Module 1: Introduction
- To put at ease participants worries, overcome intimidation and complex in regards to an emergency situation
Module 2: Course Structure
- Independent Study Approach
- Video Guided Approach
- Instructor Led Approach
Module 3: Helping Others in Need
- Emphasizes on critical time for Emergency Care
- Why Emergency Care is important
- Reasons responders hesitate to provide Emergency Care
- Good Samaritan law
- Chain of Survival
Module 4: The Emotional Aspects of Being an Emergency Responder
- Overcoming fear of harming patient when performing CPR
- Emergency Responder self care in Emergency Care situations
- Keeping skills fresh
Module 5: Leading a Healthy Lifestyle
- Prevention measures against coronary heart disease
Module 6: Protecting Yourself Against Blood Borne Pathogens
- What are 3 blood borne pathogens
- Ways to protect against blood borne pathogens
- General rule to avoid infection by blood borne pathogens
- How to recognize :
- Heart Attack
- Cardiac Arrest
- Stroke
- Complete Air Way Obstruction
- Primary Care Definition
Module 8: Primary Care ABCD’s (CPR)
- How to determine if patient is not breathing
- How dose rescue breathing work
- How to determine if patient’s heart is not beating during primary assessment
- What to do if you don’t detect a patients heart beat
- What is CPR
Module 9: Secondary Care (First Aid)
- What is injury assessment
- What is illness assessment
- What is the difference between illness and injury assessment
- What is Assessment First aid
- Bandaging
- Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures
Emergency First Response
Primary Care (CPR) &
Secondary Care (First Aid)
Upon Completion of both courses, Emergency First Responders will be able to:
- Perform a scene assessment
- Use barriers appropriately
- Perform a patient responsiveness
- Check by giving the responder statement and then tapping, grasping or squeezing the shoulder or arm to gain attention
- Phone an Emergency Medical Service number at the appropriate time within the CPR & First aid sequence
- Recognize unresponsiveness or other emergency situations and determine when resuscitation is appropriate
- Perform an emergency move and place a person in the recovery position
We usually stuck with making a tough decision and sometimes we are very bad/not confident about it. well learn about problem solving and decision making so that you’ll be ready next time.
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