Liner Semiconductor
Duration :
1 Day ( 9am – 5pm )
Medium :
Register Before:
Who should attend:
- Secretary
- Receptionist
- Sales Presenter
- Business Developer
- Project Manager
- Decision Maker
Head Of Department
Junior Executive
Customer Services
People Who Dealing With Customers
Anyone That Related To this Training Need To Attend.
- Every organization has its “personality”, culture and system of doing things, including a code of dressing.
- To succeed in such an environment, you must look, act and live the part. Hence, as support associates, it is you, who project the corporate image of the organization.
- Your appearance, behavior, attitude and conduct will certainly leave a lasting impression on your guests/clients.
- To the outside world, you are a re-flection of your organization and within the organization, you are a reflection of its value, style and culture.
Upon completion of the program you should be able to:
- Project a professional image at workplace
- Become “positive” models to your staff & colleagues
- Communicate effectively & understand body language
- Know the importance of proper appearance & grooming
- Understand the general guideline in business etiquette
The training delivery will be approached through various methods i.e. facilitations, live demonstrations and active participation from the participants.
1. Building Professionalism
- lements of Success
- Levels of Awareness
- Elements of Professionalism (3Cs)
- Criteria for Professional Image
- Formula for Professional Success
2. Work-Out Your Professional Image
- First Impression is the lasting Impression
- Barriers to polished professional image
- Tips to polish your Image
* Head to Toe
–> Know your skin type
–>Proper face & body care
3. Professional Make-up
- Hair – Facial hair/ Hair Style/Hair Colors/
- Scarves- Styles/Colors
- Cosmetics
- Fragrances
- Accessories
4. Understanding My Style
- Understanding the levels of Authority/Hierarchy
- Establishing professional Presence
- Establishing Colors for Me and My Authority
- Understanding My Body Shape
- Guideline to Business Attire (Men/Women)
- Guidelines to dressing for all occasions
5. Business & Social Etiquette
- Establishing behavioral manners for formal or informal situation
- Introduction
a) Understanding the principles for:
–> Social Events
–>Formal/Office Environment
–>Levels of Authority
b) The Hand Shake
–>Various ways or Styles
c) Behavior/Posture
–> Establishing Office Vs Social Behavior
–> Establishing the Proximity/Distance
–> Establishing the correct posture (standing/sitting/walking)