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“Over the past few decades, the worldwide trend has been for the introduction of a multi-stage GST system. Today, almost 90% of the world’s populations live in countries with GST, including China, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and India.” By Official Website Goods and Services Tax, Royal Malaysian Customs Department.

In the 2014 Budget, the Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced that Goods and Service Tax (GST) will be implemented effective 1 April 2015. It is essential for all departments in an organization to be aware about this tax system and to understand how it affects their functions. ASL has involved with GST training for quite some time. This program will ensure that the participants will be able to implement the GST mechanisms and well equipped with the fundamental and knowledge of GST.

From the Basics of GST, impact to your goods and services, implication to your Business Units, Impact to your Profit and Cashflow, real examples of how to do prepare your accounting and how to file tax returns because of bad debts, these will all be covered extensively and comprehensively in this course.


Specializes in:

  1. GST training for Manufacturing companies with more than 1000 employees
  2. GST customised workshop for Oil and Gas related companies in Malaysia
  3. GST training for Service and Consultancy business in Malaysia
  4. GST tax Audit file analysis services and a lot more.

Goods & Services Tax (GST) for Malaysia

Malaysia has officially announced the implementation of Goods & Services Tax (GST) to be effective on 1 Apr 2015. This brings significant impact to the operations and cost structure to most industry. Particularly the profit and cash flow management due to timing difference in GST return versus payable to or claimable from government. With the understanding of GST mechanism and proper implementation of GST treatment in the accounting and other operating modules, this will ensure efficient and accurate GST return, better profit, and cash flow management.


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