Brief Information About Consultant

Working Experience


Shariffah Anisah Syed Idrus’s wealth of experience in training and development gleaned from working for prominent organisations namely Celcom, TMNet, Telekom Malaysia (TM), BSN, KASK Access Inc. and Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. Since commencing her career, she has progresses through a variety of management positions to firmly establish herself as an influential and highly respected, multi-skilled trainer, facilitator and consultant.


Shariffah Anisah started her career as Product Trainer at Mobile Services Division, Celcom. After 5 years, she moved on to become Trainer at Telekom Training College, focusing on soft-skilled programs such as Core Values Program (Mission and Vision), Team Building and Change Management. When she was conducting the Core Values Program, she trained almost 5000 TM employees.  Shariffah Anisah moved on to become the Training Manager at BSN before joining KASK Access Inc Sdn Bhd.  Shariffah Anisah gained her consultancy experience while becoming Senior Consultant at KASK Access Inc Sdn Bhd. Moving forward, Shariffah Anisah joined Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad to become the internal Coach and trainer. At BMMB, she conducted softskills programs as well as conducting coaching training programs, namely Coaching for Performance, Developing Supervisory Skills, Hijrah to Success and Team Building Programs.


Training has always been Shariffah Anisah’s passion and interest. Shariffah Anisah’s enthusiastic approach to training is simple yet results-oriented: “Learning by Doing” – the experiential approach.  It is generally recognised that there is a challenging gap between knowing a principle and applying it in the real world situation.  Therefore, Shariffah Anisah’s training programs focus on the immediate effective transfer of skills from the training room to the work environment.  Since it is an adult learning process, training programs are highly interactive and application of management games which are related to the focused programs. She also strongly believes that training is not just transferring of knowledge and skills but it is actually a process of sharing information, knowledge and skills between the facilitator and participants.


Shariffah Anisah is an adaptable professional with high personal and ethical standards, who enjoys a challenging environment.





  • B Hon Human Sciences (Psychology), IIUM
  • Diploma in Solution Focused Brief Coaching




  • Certified Executive Coach, UMCCed
  • Certified Solutions Focused Coach, CCPC, University of Toronto
  • Certification in Training (PSMB)



Training Programs

  • Coaching for Organizational Effectiveness
  • Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
  • Coaching for Greater Sales Performance
  • Enriching Coaching, Mentoring and Counseling Skills
  • Developing Highly Dynamic Leaders
  • The Art of Managing People
  • Supervisory Skills for New Managers
  • Power Up Your Creativity and Innovation
  • Success Begins With ME
  • Managing Stress for Maximum Productivity
  • Managing Time for Personal Effectiveness
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Developing A Winning Attitude
  • Positive Work Attitude
  • Systematic Work Techniques
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Budaya Kerja Cemerlang
  • Menyusur Jalan Kejayaan dan Kecemerlangan
  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind for Maximum Productivity
  • Motivational Programs for Corporate, University, College and school


Coaching Experience


  • External Coach, TM Consumer
  • In house trainer/coach on Coaching for Leaders, Bank Muamalamat Malaysia Berhad
  • Founding member Life Coaching Chapter, Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine
  • Registered with Canadian Council of Professional Certification as a Certified Solution Focused Therapist

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