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Day 1 – Statistics Primer


•  Explain what variation in a work process is and why it is bad.

•   Describe key techniques for measuring variation – visual display and mathematical.

•  Identify key patterns of variation and explain what causes them


Lesson 1 (Introduction to Variation)

– What variation is and why it’s a problem in manufacturing


Lesson 2 ( Measuring Variation)

– Using a histogram to measure the variation in a process


Lesson 3 (Patterns of Variation)

– Types of patterns of variation, what they tell you, and what to do about them


Lesson 4 (Measures of Variation)

– Statistical measures of variation: Mean, range, and standard deviation


Lesson 5 (Normal Curve)

– Properties of the normal curve and the 68, 95, 99.7 rule


Lesson 6 (Stability)

– The importance of a stable process in manufacturing



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Day 2 – Using Control Charts


•  Understand the purpose of a control chart.

•  Identify key parts of a control chart.

•  Know how to collect and plot data on a control chart.

•  Be able to interpret and take action using a control chart.


Lesson 1 (What are Control Charts)

– What control charts are and why they are used


Lesson 2 (What a Control Chart Looks like)

– Common elements of all control charts


Lesson 3 (Interpreting Control Charts & Taking Action)

– Out-of-control patterns and what to do when they occur


Lesson 4 (Types of Control Chart)

– Variable and attribute control charts: Which do you use when?


Lesson 5 (Using Variable Control Charts)

– Calculating and plotting data on variable control charts and interpreting the chart


Lesson 6 (Using Attribute Control Charts)

– Calculating and plotting data on attribute control charts and interpreting the chart



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Day 3 – Process Capability Basics


•  Describe what is meant by a capable process.

•  Contrast the difference between an “in-spec” process and a “capable process.”

•  Identify and explain the three main measures of process capability.


Lesson 1 (What is Process Capability)

– What process capability means and why it’s important


Lesson 2 (Measuring Process Capability)

– The capability ratio, process capability index, and Cpk.



Day 4 – GEMBA (Actual SPC in Production Floor)

An actual activity applying & calculating SPC at key production process area.


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