Liner Semiconductor
Program Objective
Lecture and Case Study according client process flow
Course Outline
9.00 am – 9.30 am (30 min)
SESSION 1 : Principle of Lean Thinking
Understand the BASIC Lean concept, which is simply a method of streamlining a process, resulting in increased revenue, reduced costs and improved customer satisfaction. Organization, which face rising cost and competition must transform into Lean.
9.30 am – 10.00 am (30 min)
SESSION 2 : Mental Models
Understand the 5 basic mental models (mind sets); Techno-centric, Customer-Centric, Business-Centric, Personal-Centric and Innovative-Centric. Learn the 4 basic steps to changing mental mindsets. Understand the 5 forces, which influences these mental models.
10.00 am – 10.30 am (30 min)
SESSION 3: Lean Management System
Understand the basis in deploying Lean Management System. The key components that make difference are :
- Alignment of goals
- Disciplined adherence to process
- Standard Work / Standard Time
- Visual Management (basis of 5S)
- Coaching for Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
10.45 am – 1.00 pm (2 hour 15 min)
SESSION 4 : Basic Lean Tools
Understand basic LEAN tools such as; Value Stream Map (VSM), Spaghetti Chart, Swim Lane Chart which is commonly used to identify NVA (Non Value Add) from with the work process. By understanding this basic tools, participants are able to use immediately to identify NVA.
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm (1 hour 30 min)
SESSION 1 : The Lean Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)
Understand the most basic and powerful Lean Six Sigma process improvement methods. It’s the backbone of Six Sigma methodology. DMAIC delivers sustained defect-free performance and highly competitive quality costs over the long run.
Step 1 – Define, Step 2 – Measure, Step 3 – Analyze, Step 4 – Improve, Step 5 – Control
Other related tools such as Pareto Chart, Fishbone Diagram, 5 WHY Analysis, Histograms, tree Diagrams etc will be introduce as tools in Step 3.
Activity : Plotting DMAIC
3.45 pm – 4.15 pm (30 min)
SESSION 2 : Lean Six Sigma Management System
It’s a combination of 2 methodology; Lean Methodology and Six Sigma Methodology. In combination, its focuses on wastes by staffs in completing their daily tasks, looking into business process bottlenecks which further slower down a business process significantly and focusing on Total Customer Satisfaction. Use Lean basic tools for improvement and Six Sigma as key indices for monitoring.
4.15 pm – 5.00 pm (45 min)
SESSION 3 : Critical Success of Lean Six Sigma Implementation
Understand some tips on method to transform worker’s “think & behave”. This session will help to facilitate the lean startup and its sustainability. Getting the right management strategy will ensure success implementation.
Activity : Case Study on Critical Success Factor
5.00 – 5.30 pm (30 min)
Q&A Session : Free Discussion