ASL consultants come from a wide range of business backgrounds and have practical management, as well as training experience. We are therefore able to provide specialist expertise across a wide range of industries and subject matter. One of the reasons is our very experienced, passionate and committed international / regional consultants.

Essentially all members of our consulting and training staff have graduate and post graduate degrees combined with years of experience in their respective fields in the industry added with professional certification and accreditation. They also have experience in helping organizations integrate sound business practices with adult (experiential) learning and behavioural science techniques.

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Good and full of value added.
Liner Semiconductor
Program yang sangat baik dan boleh digunakan dalam kehidupan seharian.
Muhamad Saiful
Interesting course and method with useful info. It manage to grab my attention and focus throughout the course.
Excellent and awesome class!
Amat memuaskan dan memberikan motivasi.
Mansor Salim
Rakyat Holding
Very good leadership module!
Rockwool Malaysia
A lot of interactive activities been infused throughout the program
Siti Zulaikha Nawawi
Sani Express

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